Category: Living

  • “So…who are you?” An Intro to Your Friendly Neighborhood Blogger

    “So…who are you?” An Intro to Your Friendly Neighborhood Blogger

    So who is this woman reviewing books to the vast abyss of the internet? Hi, I’m Camille! My pronouns are she and they; I live in Durham, NC with my partner, daughter, and dog; and I’ve been using books as a way to understand and escape the real world for nearly all of my 37…

  • On Backyard Gardens, Community, and An Abundance of Blueberries

    On Backyard Gardens, Community, and An Abundance of Blueberries

    Growing up, my grandfather tended a plot of land filled with vegetables. He would finish his days in the fields growing tobacco or cotton or corn or soy, and take me out into his vegetable garden. I loved it. It seemed huge. It wasn’t until I was older that I realized that, well, it was…

  • Burnouts, Burning It Down, and Fresh Starts

    Burnouts, Burning It Down, and Fresh Starts

    I had the first panic attack I’d had in years on Christmas Day, about half an hour after putting my daughter to bed. I thought that it was just the stress of the holiday season finally letting itself out, but when the panic kept dragging me under for weeks that bled into months, I knew…