“So…who are you?” An Intro to Your Friendly Neighborhood Blogger

So who is this woman reviewing books to the vast abyss of the internet?

Hi, I’m Camille! My pronouns are she and they; I live in Durham, NC with my partner, daughter, and dog; and I’ve been using books as a way to understand and escape the real world for nearly all of my 37 years. So much so that I went and got a master’s degree in English, decided a PhD wasn’t for me at that time, so I got my second master’s in library science. Now, being a librarian because you like reading is like becoming a doctor because you like having a body, and I don’t work in libraries and archives anymore, but I do work for a tech company that makes tools for libraries, and I love working in a field that lets me be surrounded by similarly bookish people all day every day.

So here are some things about me:

  • Favorite books: A Guide for the Perplexed by Dara Horn, Persuasion by Jane Austen, the Legendborn series by Tracy Deonn, the Brown Sisters trilogy by Talia Hibbert, The Golem and the Jinni by Helene Wecker
  • Favorite spots to read: coffee shops, picnic blankets, the beach, large soft chairs next to windows, my bed on a rainy day with a cup of tea
  • Favorite reading tools: The Library Chrome extension, GoodReads (though I’m trying to find an alternative, I don’t like their connection to Amazon), NoveList Plus (I’m biased, I work for them, and no, they don’t endorse anything on the blog, that’s all me)
  • Ebook or paper: Can I read it? Yes? Then I do not care. Heck, depending on the book, I’ll even get in on some audiobook action. We are format neutral here.
  • Non-reading hobbies: acting, baking, gardening, knitting, fashion, and I just got a skateboard, so hopefully I’ll be adding that to the list soon

As far as what you can expect to see: mostly book reviews and reading life, with maybe some life sprinkled here and there. When it comes to reading, I will give anything a try, but my tendencies tend towards contemporary romance, cozy mystery, cozy fantasy, YA novels, and literary fiction. I have an anxiety disorder, and the world tends to be a pretty stressful place these days, so I like my escapism to not add to the pressure. Beyond that, I just find that those novels are character-driven in a way that really grabs me. As a neurodivergent person, I’ve always been so curious about how other people function and live and just see the world. World building, not so much, but give me some really well-realized characters and I’m in heaven.

Romances in particular of any genre grab me almost every time. Firstly, I’m a big ol’ romantic, and you will never hear me denying it (although it took me a long time to accept this about myself!). Secondly, I think there is something really amazing and interesting about how romantic relationships in particular make people face things about themselves that very few other relationships will really make you confront, except maybe your relationship with your therapist. And finally, I just think there is something really amazing about a genre that gives space for people of all walks of life to be portrayed experiencing softness, joy, and pleasure. Say what you want, but I think that’s a radical statement.

On that note, I absolutely identify as a leftist; that means that this is an LGBTQIA+ affirming, Black lives matter, science is real, no person is illegal on stolen land space, and should I ever get commenters, intolerance will not be tolerated. I love working with people who share my love of stories, and I want to create a space for other people to connect with stories and each other in a safe way.

So welcome, I hope you find some books you like, and please let me know below what your favorite books are!